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Often, David will give titles to recurring themes he uses in his work. It helps him keep track of and categorize the elements that keep coming back through his narratives.


The moniker was given to a particular series of drawn houses. He contiued to sketch, paint, and screen print images of buildings piled ontop of one another, twisting like a segmented insect or a serpent. The shape also refrences the curve of the hilly driveway where his childhood home stands.


Eventually the motif made it into 3-D and the "Sleepwaker Tower" series was begun.


These  towers are handmade basswood, walnut and cherry trimmed houses covered in acrylics and carbon transfers. 


#3 stands at approx. 11"  high on its custom woodblock stand. The stands base is 2.25" x 2" x .5"


the bottom of the base is titled and signed. 4 brass carpet tacks are added on the bottom to help preserve the inscription . 

Sleepwalker Tower #3

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