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For the complete story on how Hochbaum began paiting sprites, please view the video included for this piece.


Early 2020 during the global pandemic, people were urged to shelter in place for several months in order to acvoid contracting or spreading the Covid 19 virus.


It was during these months that Hochbaum created a live streaming drawing show called "OPEN TO SUGGESTION 111". 


He did this to stay busy during a creative block as well as to saty in contact with friends and peers and share thoughts and ideas of what was happening and how it was being dealt around the world.


Episode 22, the final episode, featured a trivia game where theviewers watching David paint live would try and be the first to guess the name of the video game sprite he was painting. 


In computer graphics, a sprite is a two-dimensional bitmap that is integrated into a larger scene, most often in a 2D video game. The term was first used by Danny Hillis at Texas Instruments in the late 1970s. 


After the program, David felt invigorated by the exercise and contiued making 8 bit inspired paitings of his favorite sprites. He completed 15 sprites during this time.


This one of the Galaga space fighter. 


It is acrylic on a 9"x 12" sheet of watercolor paper.


It is being offered here UNFRAMED



Galaga Sprite:8 bit inspiration series 2020 lockdown

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